METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line project reaches new major milestone

Monica Gameng   |   March 30, 2023

Western Australia’s METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line project has reached another major milestone with the first tracks now laid. 

Rail tracks have been laid north of Whiteman Park Station through to the Gnangara Underpass and along Drumpellier Drive, which also includes about 1.5 kilometres of ballast and sleepers installed along the 21-kilometre rail line. 

Specialised equipment has been utilised to deliver the works, including a ballast box spreader that positions the ballasts as well as an excavator with an ‘octopus’ attachment that positioned the sleepers. 

“The start of track laying on the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line project demonstrates our government’s commitment to delivering vital transport infrastructure for Perth’s growing suburbs, improving amenity and travel times to the city. 

“This is an exciting next step as we continue to build the infrastructure that commuters in this fast-growing area need and deserve. 

“This project will drive real short-term employment and economic boost while delivering essential infrastructure that will continue to be beneficial well into the future,” Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said. 

The METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line development is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments.

The $1.1 billion project is part of the significant expansion of Perth’s rail system since the opening of the Mandurah Line in 2007. 

The Morley-Ellenbrook Line project is estimated to support 6,500 jobs during its delivery. 

“We promised to build the Morley-Ellenbrook Line – and my government is delivering. 

“We are getting on with delivering METRONET right across our suburbs – slashing travel times, improving safety and building strong communities while creating thousands of local jobs and opportunities for local business,” Premier Mark McGowan said. 

The Morley-Ellenbrook Line will run from Bayswater Station on the Midland Line then travel through Tonkin Highway north of Marshall Road and along the western side of Drumpellier Drive and end in Ellenbrook, south of The Parkway. 

Five new stations are also going to be built in Morley, Noranda, Malaga, Whiteman Park and Ellenbrook while Bayswater Station is going to be rebuilt. A future station at Bennett Springs East is planned as well. 

“The METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook train line is a game-changer for communities in Perth’s northeast, and seeing the first tracks being laid is another strong indication of our Government getting on with the job,” WA Minister for Transport; Planning; Ports Rita Saffioti said. 

Once operational, commuters will be able to get from Ellenbrook to Perth City in just 30 minutes, providing north-eastern suburb residents with greater transport options and new modern stations while also reducing travel times. 

By 2031, the Morley-Ellenbrook Line and stations are expected to cater for 18,000 people a day. 

The project is also anticipated to support the region’s growth as a major activity centre and presents an opportunity for the development of new housing. 

“This is a city-shaping project which will benefit the people of Perth both now and in the long term, supporting thousands of jobs as well as greater public transport innovation and efficiency in our neck of the woods,” Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Federal Member for Perth Patrick Gorman said. 

“This work will provide convenient travel options to match the future development of Perth’s northeast, which includes new housing,” Federal Member for Hasluck Tania Lawrence said. 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; METRONET (1, 2); Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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